Load bank natural ventilation

A design office that listens to you, A responsive factory in France

Ergonomically designed and quiet, Delta Resistance offers a range of load benches, manufactured in France.
For emergency repairs, a bench can be manufactured and delivered within 8 days.
For applications requiring natural ventilation of more than 100KW, our design office can make you an adapted offer .

Standard design

Durable et économique
La partie active de nos résistances est réalisée en standard en acier inoxydable 304 (dérive état-chaud/ état-froid +/-10%)
Elévation de température de l’air <80°C 
Tôlerie réalisée en France en acier galvanisé en standard (inox 316L disponible)
Raccordement câble en partie basse.


  • Possibility of supplying an active part with a hot-cold drift of 1%.
  • 316L stainless steel sheet metal
  • Control panel 

Tests and Standards - circular of December 8, 2006

Circular DHOS/E4 n° 2006-393
The law requires full testing of generators (load ramp-up - full load - load impact). Faced with the frequency of new standards for buildings open to the public, the acquisition of test equipment is rapidly proving to be cost-effective, and gives you total control over your resources. 

Please note: there is still confusion between reactive power in volt-amperes and power in watts. A 100kVA generator must be tested at 100 kW resistive. Conversion with a factor of P (W)= 0.8 P (VA) only concerns the calculation for sizing a generator against a reactive load (motor, capacitors, filters, etc.).


You can choose from the following options in your application: 

  • Pilot control box section manual
  • Automatic power-up
  • Measurement - Recording power measurement - data export
  • 316L stainless steel frame - enhanced resistance to corrosion & saline atmosphere
  • Inductive or capacitive Cos phi setting
  • 316 stainless steel resistors Resistance to saline atmosphere
  • Résistance R135 et R80 Ni-Cr faible dérive <2% et haute précision
  • Seismic resistance

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